Status: Effective April 1, 2024
Applicability: Each Generator Owner (GO) with gross individual nameplate rating greater than or equal to 500MVA or gross individual nameplate rating greater than or equal to 300 MVA where the gross plant/facility aggregate nameplate rating is greater than or equal to 1,000 MVA for dynamic disturbance recording (DDR) data. Each GO who has received notice from a Transmission Owner (TO) that the GO is required to maintain sequence of events recording (SER) and/or fault recording (FR) data. NB. TOs may elect which GOs to send requests based upon pre-existing availability of SER and/or FR data at buses, and must notify GOs within 90 calendar days of identifying buses for which data is lacking. TOs must re-evaluate buses every five (5) years, so it is possible GOs that have not received notice will receive one in the future.
Description: Requires GOs to maintain and supply data relevant to the analysis of disturbances.
Summary Requirements:
- R2: Each notified GO must have SER data for circuit breaker position (open/close) for each circuit breaker it owns connected to the bus.
- M2: Each notified GO must have evidence of SER data for circuit breaker position, which may include but is not limited to (1) documents describing the device interconnections and configurations which may include a single design standard as representative of common installations; or (2) actual data recordings; or (3) station drawings.
- R3: Each notified GO shall have FR data to determine the following electrical quantities for each triggered FR for elements it owns directly connected to the bus:
- R3.1: Phase-to-neutral voltage for each phase of each specified bus
- R3.2: Each phase current and the residual or neutral current for the following elements:
- R3.2.1: transformers that have a low-side operating voltage of 100 kV or above.
- R3.2.2 transmission lines
- M3: Each notified GO has evidence of FR data sufficient to determine the electrical quantities in R3, which may include but is not limited to (1) documents describing the device specifications and configurations which may include a single design standard as representative for common installations; or (2) actual data recordings or derivations; or (3) station drawings.
- R4: Each notified GO shall have FR data that meets the following:
- R4.1: A single record or multiple records that include (1) a pre-trigger record length of at least two cycles and a total record length of at least 30 cycles for the same trigger point, or (2) at least two cycles of the pre-trigger data, the first three cycles of the post-trigger data, and the final cycle of the fault as seen by the fault recorder
- R4.2: A minimum recording rate of 16 samples per cycle
- R4.3 Trigger settings for at least the following:
- R4.3.1: Neutral (residual) overcurrent
- R4.3.2: Phase undervoltage or overcurrent
- M4: Each notified GO has evidence that FR data meets R4, which may include but is not limited to (1) documents describing the device specification (R4, Part 4.2) and device configuration or settings (R4, Parts 4.1 and 4.3), or (2) actual data recordings or derivations.
- R7: Each GO shall have DDR data to determine the following electrical quantities for each element it owns for which it received notification by the TO:
- R7.1: One phase-to-neutral, phase-to-phase, or positive sequence voltage at either the generator step-up transformer (GSU) high-side or low-side voltage level
- R7.2: The phase current for the same phase at the same voltage corresponding to the voltage in R7.1, phase current(s) for any phase-to-phase voltages, or positive sequence current
- R7.3 Real Power and Reactive Power flows expressed on a three-phase basis corresponding to all circuits where current measurements are required
- R7.4: Frequency of at least one of the voltages in R7.1
- M7: Each GO has evidence of DDR data to determine electrical quantities in R7 which may include but is not limited to (1) documents describing the device specifications and configurations, which may include a single design standard as representative for common installations or (2) actual data recordings or deviations, or (3) station drawings.
- R8: Each GO responsible for DDR data shall have continuous data recording and storage. If the equipment was installed prior to the effective date of PRC-002-2 (US: July 1, 2016) and is not capable of continuous recording, triggered records must meet the following:
- R8.1: Triggered record lengths of at least three (3) minutes
- R8.2: At least one of the following three triggers:
- Off nominal frequency trigger set at:
- Rate of change of frequency trigger set at:
- Undervoltage trigger set no lower than 85 percent of normal operating voltage for a duration of 5 seconds
- M8: Each GO has dated evidence of data recordings and storage in accordance with R8. Evidence may include but is not limited to (1) documents describing the device specifications and configurations, which may include a single design standard as representative for common installations, or (2) actual data recordings.
- R9: Each GO responsible for DDR data in R5 shall have DDR data that meets the following:
- R9.1: Input sampling rate of at least 960 samples per second
- R9.2: Output recording rate of electrical quantities of at least 30 times per second
- M9: Each GO has evidence that DDR data meets R9. Evidence may include but is not limited to (1) documents describing the device specification, device configuration, or settings (R9.1, R9.2) or (2) actual data recordings (R9.2).
- R10: Each GO shall time synchronize all SER and FR data for the buses identified in R1 and DDR data for the elements identified in R5 to meet the following:
- R10.1: Synchronization to UTC with or without a local time offset
- R10.2: Synchronized device clock accuracy within 2ms of UTC
- M10: Each GO has evidence of time synchronization described in R10. Evidence may include but is not limited to (1) documents describing the device specification, configuration or settings, or (2) time synchronization indication or status, or (3) station drawings.
- R11: Each GO shall provide upon request all SER and FR data for the buses identified in R1 and DDR data for the elements identified in R5 to the Reliability Coordinator, Regional Entity or NERC in accordance with the following:
- R11.1: Data will be retrievable for the period of 10 calendar days, inclusive of the day the data was recorded
- R11.2: Data subject to Part 11.1 will be provided within 30 calendar days of a request unless an extension is granted by the requestor
- R11.3: SER data will be provided in ASCII Comma Separated Value (CSV) format following Attachment 2
- R11.4: FR and DDR data will be provided in electronic files that are formatted in conformance with C37.111, (IEEE Standard Common Format for Transient Data Exchange (COMTRADE), revision C37.111-1999 or later
- R11.5: Data files will be named in conformance with C37.232, IEEE Standard for Common Format for Naming Time Sequence Data Files (COMNAME), revision C37.232-2011 or later
- M11: Each GO has evidence that data was submitted in accordance with R11. Evidence may include but is not limited to (1) dated transmittals to the requesting entity with formatted records, (2) documents describing data storage capability, device specification, configuration or settings or (3) actual data recordings.
- R12: Each GO shall within 90 calendar days of the discovery of a failure of the recording capability for the SER, FR or DDR data, either (1) restore the recording capability or (2) submit a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to the Regional Entity and implement it.
- M12: Each GO has dated evidence that meets R12. Evidence may include but is not limited to (1) dated reports of discovery of a failure, (2) documentation noting the date the data recording was restored, (3) SCADA records or (4) dated CAP transmittals to the Regional Entity and evidence that it implemented the CAP.
- R13: Each GO shall:
- R13.1: within three (3) calendar years of completing re-evaluation or receiving notification under R1.3, have SER or FR data as applicable for BES elements directly connected to the identified buses.
- R13.2: Within three (3) calendar years of receiving notification under R5.4 have DDR data for elements identified during the re-evaluation.
- M13: Each GO has dated evidence that meets R13. Evidence may include but is not limited to letters, emails, drawings or settings files.
- C1.2:
- GO shall retain evidence of R7, M7 for three (3) calendar years.
- GO shall retain evidence of requested data provided as per R2, R3, R4, R8, R9, R10, R11 and R12, M2, M3, M4, M8, M9, M10, M11, and M12 for three (3) calendar years.
- GO shall retain evidence of R13, M13 for five (5) calendar years.
- If GO is found non-compliant, it shall keep information related to the non-compliance until mitigation is completed and approved or for the time specified above, whichever is longer.
Violation Severity Levels: R2, R3, R4, R7, R8, R9
- Lower: 81-99% of required data
- Moderate: 71-80% of required data
- High: 61-70% of required data
- Severe: 60% or less of required data
Violation Severity Levels: R10
- Lower: 91-99% of required time synchronization data for R1 and R5
- Moderate: 81-90% of required time synchronization data for R1 and R5
- High: 71-80% of required time synchronization data for R1 and R5
- Severe: <70% of required time synchronization data for R1 and R5
Violation Severity Levels: R11
- Lower: 30-40 calendar days or 91-99% of required data or 91-99% of required data in the proper format
- Moderate: 40-50 calendar days or 81-90% of required data or 81-90% of required data in the proper format
- High: 50-60 calendar days or 71-80% of required data or 71-80% of required data in the proper format
- Severe: > 60 days or <70% of required data or <70% of the required data in the proper format
Violation Severity Levels: R12
- Lower: submitted CAP 91-100 calendar days after discovery of the failure
- Moderate: 101-110 calendar days after discovery of the failure
- High: 111-120 calendar days after discovery of the failure or GO submitted a CAP but failed to implement it
- Severe: >120 calendar days after discovery of the failure or failed to restore the recording capability and failed to submit a CAP
Violation Severity Levels: R13
- Lower: None
- Moderate: late by 6 months or less for either R1.3 or R5.4
- High: late by 6-12 months for either R1.3 or R5.4
- Severe: late by >12 months for either R1.3 or R5.4
Look Ahead: PRC-002-5 was filed with the FERC on November 4, 2024 and will replace PRC-002-4 if and when approved.
Look Ahead Source:
Look Ahead Description: Changes from PRC-002-4 include:
- R11.4: FR data will be provided either in CSV format with appropriate headers or in electronic files that are formatted in conformance with C37.111, (IEEE Standard Common Format for Transient Data Exchange (COMTRADE), revision C37.111-1999 or later
- R11.5: DDR data will be provided either in CSV format with appropriate headers or in electronic files that are formatted in conformance with C37.111, (IEEE Standard Common Format for Transient Data Exchange (COMTRADE), revision C37.111-1999 or later
- Violation Severity Level - R11: Lower: 1-10 calendar days or 91-99% of required data or 91-99% of required data in the proper format, Moderate: 11-20 calendar days or 81-90% of required data or 81-90% of required data in the proper format, High: 21-30 calendar days or 71-80% of required data or 71-80% of required data in the proper format, Severe: > 30 days or <70% of required data or <70% of the required data in the proper format